Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and Christmas Candle Craft

Candles have always given me a warm fuzzy feeling during the holidays. No matter if you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas or Kwanzaa, candles have always been a symbol of miracles, hope, family and love. Let's celebrate the holidays with an easy craft for your littlest crafters. You will need construction paper, yellow tissue paper, glue or tape, and as many toilet paper rolls as candles you would like to make. Here's the link:

I know it says Kwanzaa candles but just vary the amount and the color of the candles and you will have Hanukkah candles or Christmas candles. This picture illustrates how to put the tissue paper flame into the end of the candle.
Take time during this hectic season to sit down with your little ones and create a special holiday memory. It is always time well spent!

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