Sunday, November 9, 2008

Looking for Holiday Suggestions?

We all know what a priceless gift a book is, don't we? It's the gift that fuels imagination, cures boredom, and stealthily educates your child under the guise of entertainment. Here are just a few more picture books you may want to consider as you begin holiday shopping:

Millie in the Snow by Alexander Steffensmeier. Millie the Mail Cow becomes lost before Christmas. Hmmm, does the mail carrier have a crush on the farmer?

Drummer Boy by Loren Long. After accidentally being thrown away, a beloved toy drummer boy goes on an adventure that eventually brings him back to a warm home, where he is placed near baby Jesus in a manger scene.

Sam the Snowman by Susan Winget. Everyone is waiting for the littlest snowman to make snow. (I was impressed with the beautiful illustrations in this book.)

Fanny by Holly Hobbie. Based on Holly Hobbie's own experiences as a child. Fanny wants a Connie doll badly but her mother says absolutely not, so Fanny sews her own doll.

Cat and Mouse by Ian Schoenherr. A cat and a mouse play together nicely--and not so nicely--to the nursery rhymes, "Hickory, Dickory, Dock" and "Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo."

Too Many Toys by David Shannon. In an effort to stem the mess around the house, Spencer's mom decides to get rid of some toys. But Spencer has other ideas!

Princess Peepers by Pam Calvert. When the other princesses make fun of her for wearing glasses, Princess Peepers vows to go without, but after several mishaps--one of which is especially coincidental--she admits that she really does need them if she wants to see.

The Little Rabbit Who Liked to Say Moo by Jonathan Allen. When Calf hears Rabbit out in the field mooing he feels inspired to give a great big baa and soon all the other creatures on the farm realize they're not limited to their own language but can enjoy experimenting with others as they think "outside the box."

Hope you enjoy my selections!

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